Electrical Safety

May marks the commencement of National Electrical Safety Month, an initiative led by the Electrical Safety Foundation International, a nonprofit organization committed to advocating electrical safety in both residential and occupational settings. This annual observance aims to educate precautionary measures to mitigate the occurrence of electrical fires, casualties, injuries, and property damage. According to data […]

Water Damage

Did you know that nearly 50% of Non-Catastrophic Homeowner’s Insurance Claims in Florida are caused by water-related incidents?* These problems often stem from common household sources such as leaky pipes, appliances, water heaters, or AC handlers. What may initially appear as minor leaks can escalate into significant damage over time. In fact, the average claim […]

Traveling away from home

As winter and the holidays start to roll in, many Floridians are gearing up for vacations, leaving their home unattended for an extended period. While a worry-free getaway is the goal, it’s crucial for homeowners to take proactive steps to safeguard their property. Scare off burglars Before heading out, plan to have a trusted friend, […]

The holiday season brings joy and warmth, but it’s also a time to prioritize safety, especially for homeowners in the Sunshine State. From twinkling lights to cozy gatherings, here are some essential tips to safeguard your home during the holidays. 1. Light Up Safely Decorate your home with festive lights but ensure safety by using […]

Cooking a turkey saftely

As families gather to celebrate Thanksgiving, the joy of preparing and sharing a delicious meal is a central part of the festivities. However, it’s important to remember that Thanksgiving Day sees an increased risk of cooking fires. As a Florida homeowners insurer, we want to ensure that your holiday is not only filled with gratitude […]

Fire Prevention

Fire Prevention Week 2023 is here, and this year’s theme, “Cooking safety starts with YOU,” sponsored by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), reminds us of the critical role we all play in preventing fires, especially in the heart of our homes: the kitchen. At VYRD Insurance, we are here to support you on your […]

Leak Prevention

Water damage can be a homeowner’s worst nightmare, causing extensive property damage, costly repairs, and potential health hazards. And in Florida, water damage risks are more heightened, nearly half of all Homeowner Insurance claims are not caused by catastrophic events but rather by more typical occurrences such as leaks, plumbing issues, or accidental water damage. […]