House Savings

Ways to Save on your VYRD Homeowners Insurance

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It is frustrating how everything seems to be more expensive these days. Wouldn’t it be nice to hear some good news about costs going down for once? Well, when it comes to Florida insurance premiums, homeowners actually can see some relief in their pocketbooks – you just have to know where to look.  Talk to your agent about these ways to save:

  • Wind Mitigation.  Did you know the more wind-resistant your roof is, the more you’ll save on your home insurance? In Florida, a great roof with proper coverings can actually make the difference between a home being completely destroyed or staying intact during a major storm or hurricane – and can qualify you for premium savings on your homeowner’s policy. To qualify, homes must have a roof covering, roof-deck attachment, roof-wall connection, attachment opening protection, hip shape roof, and secondary water resistance. While there are upfront costs, outfitting your home with these features it can result in long term savings. Ask your insurance agent or call VYRD at 1-888-806-VYRD (8973) about scheduling a wind mitigation inspection.

  • Water Leak Detection Discount. Today, there are innovative tools and programs that monitor water leaks in and around a home so they can be detected and fixed before causing costly damage. Since water damage makes up nearly 50% of all homeowner claims in Florida, VYRD decided to provide all policyholders with a free Smart Monitoring water detection kit that is smartphone-ready, giving homeowners instant leak alerts. After setting this system up, policyholders receive an additional 15% discount off the water portion of their premium

  • Preferred Contractor Endorsement. One of the best ways to save on insurance premiums is to use pre-vetted contractors for repairs and emergency work. These contractors have the proper licensing, insurance, bonds, manpower, and track record to reliably and professionally work on homes. When VYRD policyholders use our Preferred Contractor Network (PCN) of qualified home service pros, they are eligible for an additional 5% discount off water, fire, other non-wind, liability, non-hurricane wind and hurricane portions of their premium (and VYRD guarantees the contractors’ work!).

  • Protective Device Discount. Homes that have monitored burglar and/or fire alarm systems, fire sprinklers, and other protective features in their home can enjoy a discount of 10-25% off other non-wind or fire portion of their premium.  Be sure you provide your agent with a current alarm certificate, dated within the last year, from the monitoring company to receive credit.

  • Secured Community / Building Credit. If you live in a neighborhood with 24-hour manned security or that has passkey gates, you are eligible to receive a 5% discount off water, fire, and other non-wind portions of your premium.

  • HVAC Maintenance Credit.  When you have a semi-annual inspections/maintenance plan for heating, ventilation and air conditioning, you could see another 5% off the water portion of your premium.

  • Claim-Free Credit. If you haven’t filed a claim in more than 3 years, you may qualify for a claim-free 5% discount off water, fire, and other non-wind portion of your premium.

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